
To use Yet Another Adapter Base in a project, the base requirement is to create a dataclass that inherits from BaseAdapter. In order for yaab to know how to obtain the data for each of the dataclass’ fields you need to provide a chain of transformations. transformations are by default provided in field’s metadata kwarg as a tuple under the key transformations.

If a transformation is another dataclass then its from_any classmethod is invoked with the element as it has been transformed up to now as its starting element. This allows for nesting but most importantly allows the innermost class to be agnostic as to how the encapsulating class will use it:

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field

from yaab.adapter import BaseAdapter

class DbModel(BaseAdapter):
    host: str = field(metadata={"transformations": ("db_host", )})
    port: int = field(metadata={"transformations": ("db_port", int)})

class ConfigModel(BaseAdapter):
    name: str = field(metadata={"transformations": ("app_name", )})
    db: DbModel = field(metadata={"transformations": ("db_conf", DbModel)})

conf = ConfigModel.from_dict({"app_name": "My App", "db_conf": {"db_host": "my.db", "db_port": 123}})

The above will print:

ConfigModel(name='My App', db=DbModel(host='my.db', port=123))
{'name': 'My App', 'db': {'host': 'my.db', 'port': 123}}